40th Victorian Hot Rod Show - Page 3



Some clubs go to a hell of a lot of trouble with their displays. Never found out which club this was, but they had everything...
Including a wreck that looked like it was on fire...
But that's OK because the King of Firefighters was on hand to put out your Ring of Fire... (Yeah, I know, Johny Cash, but Burning Love sounded even cornier!)

A life-size Humphrey Bogart doll... where do they find this stuff?

Someone, somewhere saw it and thought...

"That'll come in handy one day..."

Ted Krolo brought his very flamed and very tough '57 Chevy coupe to the show. He also brought along really stupid barriers which made it almost impossible to get a decent pic of the car.
Six cylinder front engined dragsters are cool. I want one when I grow up.
Paul Azzopardi has a very nice Model A roadster and a VERY, VERY bright spotlight.
Leigh Fielder owns the flamed '32 Tudor in the foreground and in the background is Chris Stork's recently completed Model A Tudor.
Leigh runs Roadstar Paintworks and he's getting really good at drawing flames.
Damn Tudors were everywhere. I think when we need a family car I'll talk my wife into one of these.